This is a discussion with Dr. Aerbach. I had remarked that Roy Cohn was a witchunter, but that he had courage in the early 1950s allowing people to know he was gay during the Un-American trials. He did this inadvertently by furthering, or attempting to further the career, quite publicly of his partner, Schine, another member of McCarthy's committee. Dr. Auerbach corrected me and noted that reprehensible was a more apt word than 'courageous, to which I replied that his courageousness possibly was a form of sociopathic underarsoual. Auerbach continues... As for Roy Cohn, he began his career carrying water for one of the most reprehensible figures in American politics—and he never repented. Instead, he made a career of defending the reprehensible, our current President among them. For a control group, consider that RFK was Democratic counsel on that committee, and he only improved, becoming one of the best figures in American politics. W...