
Showing posts from November, 2019
From the U of Miami Hurricane President of the Miami Multifaith Council, Alexander LaBarbera , worked with UCA to plan the event this year as well as reach out to departments and organizations for sponsorship. From halal to kosher options, Multifaith Thanksgiving offered a variety of foods for everyone to enjoy and LaBarbera , a political science, religious studies, history and economics quadruple major, said that events like these are fundamental to student life on campus. “ Multifaith dialogue is absolutely  necessary in today’s world in order  to help eliminate divisive hate and ignorance,” he said. “ In the end, we are all part of the Canes family and that family is made stronger by emphasizing the ways we are similar while embracing and educating others on the ways we are unique.”

John Auerbach comments of 11-02

So this is what occurred to me in response to Damon’s initial post: I think our country is in grave danger right now, far more danger than we were in 1968, when were coming apart over a pointless, needless, and even genocidal war and elected a semi authoritarian to “handle” things.  That dude, having been trained as a lawyer at Duke University and having a first-rate intellect and some capacity to tell right from wrong, also had at least had some respect for the rule of law, no matter how corrupt and authoritarian he was in other ways.  About his corruption, the reason he uttered the phrase  “I am not a crook” was that he was caught committing income tax fraud, an offense entirely separate from the Watergate break-in.  He released his tax returns, and in so doing, he initiated a Presidential practice that continued until it was abrogated by the current occupant of the White House, a man who, it can be reasonably said, has no integrity, no dignity, and no shame. ...


Dialogue with polymaths Auerbach and Borkosky Discussing fears regarding on the left about attempts to restrict abortion, I wrote... The fears have symmetry on each side. The conservative equivalent would be a fear that the government will  suppress  individual or religious freedoms. Both sides fear loss of individual  freedoms to a monolithic government.  It  would be nice if people could convey that they would help their neighbors if any severe schism occurred between warring factions. My perception is that most people are not as enmeshed in partisanship as it seems. My personal take is that dictatorship is unlikely in the US.  Oppositionality  to government is engrained, though more so on the right. This is comparatively  speaking  to other parts of the world.   The  preoccupation with the daily minutia of government and constant critique has risen to soap opera dimensions. Scrutiny and hostility is more directed ...